AECCAM (Castilla la Mancha Campsite Entrepreneurs Association) is a non-profit association whose purpose is to promote camping in our region, developing quality in the facilities, services and care of the campsites that encompass it.
AECCAM aims to be a guarantee of quality for campsite users who come to Castilla la Mancha to enjoy the rich landscape, culture, heritage and gastronomy of one of the largest regions in Europe.
The association is the valid interlocutor before the tourism administration of Castilla la Mancha, participating in the elaboration of camping legislation and in the promotion of rural tourism.
The associated campsites guarantee quality services to users and a correct and familiar treatment so that they can have a happy and pleasant stay in there.
AECCAM has its own website for its associates and a joint brochure to attend sector fairs. In addition, the association belongs to the FEEC (Spanish Federation of Campsite Entrepreneurs), which allows direct contact with the rest of Spanish campsites and with the tourist administration at a national level, participating in the legal and promotional services provided by the FEEC.